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Photography: Charles Davis Smith, FAIA
Camp Wisdom Pump Station
Dallas, TX

A continuation of CaCo Architecture's success integrating the infrastructural requirements of Dallas Water Utilities pump stations, CaCo Architecture again teamed with NDM Consulting Engineers to deliver another successful project to the City of Dallas.


Envisioned as a brick and cast stone structure, this facility takes cues from the art deco movement in its design sensibilities. Otherwise mundane, air shafts are exalted by the cast stone frame that includes both the City of Dallas and Dallas Water Utilities logos carved into the stone in an alternating pattern reminiscent of the great water works of the turn of the century. Simple composite metal canopies, at both the front and rear, of the building announce the entrances to the facility, as well as provide shelter from the sun. CaCo Architecture integrated the required parking directly over the concrete vault housing the pumps. Along with the landscape design and grass-crete paving, this facility minimized the paved areas on site as well as being an attractive neighbor to both adjacent businesses and neighborhood.

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